Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Harvest Your Gratitude This Thanksgiving!

A Happy Thanksgiving of Gratitude! Gratitude is an Attitude...

Do you wait until Thanksgiving Day or Christmas to thank those that you love and those that have helped you? It is important to spend time during these special holidays to be thankful. However, it shouldn't be the only time you demonstrate your love and appreciation to others.

Here in York County Pennsylvania you should have no problem thinking of ones to thank on a daily or weekly basis. What can be done to help others this Thanksgiving?
If you need some ideas, here are some to get you thinking:
* The economy has affected many families this holiday season, donate non perishables to a local food bank, or donate your grocery store free turkey for those less fortunate. Invite a family less fortunate into your home and share your meal with them. Better yet invite someone who is alone to enjoy the holidays with your family. Do you have extra coats? You can donate them too.
* The Pilgrim Team is proud to sponsor the U.S. Marine Corps Reserves Toys for Tots Program again this year! We will be accepting donations for needy children at our office 3921 E. Market St York, PA. We are starting our toy drive early this year, because now more than ever there is a need to help out the families of less fortunate children have a great Christmas. In addition The Pilgrim Team is Happy to donate their moving truck to help distribute the toys.
* Your appreciation may have more of an impact when it is done at an unexpected time. Giving thanks during the holidays can be somewhat expected. Surprise someone by showing your gratitude when it is least expected and it will be remembered for a long time.
* Your notes and thoughtful comments won't get diluted by those from others trying to catch up for the past year on their thanks.
* True gratitude involves action. Lend a hand, Pitch in, Volunteer, Thank a Veteran or a Solder overseas, Make a gift, Give your time, or just listen. Give back as often as you can.

Giving thanks doesn't just benefit the other person. You will receive benefits from doing it as well. You will begin to feel happier and more relaxed. In fact, it has been proven in studies that being grateful can have a positive effect on your health. It can reduce your stress and boost your immune system.

Christmas is important. Easter is important. Halloween is important for the kids. But for our own personal happiness, there is nothing like a truly heartfelt Thanksgiving. Why wouldn't you look for every opportunity to show your thankfulness to others? Don't wait for a holiday before you look for opportunities to show your gratitude. Give thanks on a regular basis throughout the year.
Make every day Thanksgiving Day in 2009!

Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it --William Arthur Ward

Is now the time to Sell and Buy your next home in York PA

I'm often asked if this is a good time to buy or sell a home here in York, PA. Some of my clients are concerned that home prices may fall further than they already have. They are assuming that the best course of action is to wait for the bottom in the market and then buy a home here in York at that time. The problem with this approach is that you don't know where the bottom is until after you passed it it is like looking in the rear view mirror, meaning until you've missed it!

Home prices are one factor in determining your cost of ownership, but so are interest rates and financing availability. Even though interest rates have held fairly steady the last six months, they are still near historic lows. Since your monthly mortgage payment is a combination of paying down your principal and paying the interest owed, if home prices come down a little further but interest rates go up, it could cost you even more to service a mortgage on an identical home!

While a home is a major investment, it is also the center of your personal life. It's important to live in a home that reflects your taste and values, yet is within your financial "comfort zone." To that end, it may be more important to lock in today's relatively low interest rates and low home prices, rather than to hope for a further break in prices in the future.

Please give me a call me Jerry Pilgrim if I can be of any assistance in determining how much home you can afford in today's market. Visit me at www.PilgrimTeam.com

Monday, November 23, 2009

Stewartstown Station Real Estate Statistics

is this the housing statistic actiivity since Jan 1st 2009 in the sub-division known as Stewartstown Station in York County PA. It is located just outside of Stewartstown, PA and located within the Southeatern School District.

Current "active listings" as of November 23rd - 4 homes are listed begiining at $244,900 and the top price os $289,900.

Homes that have sold as of th 1st of 2009:

14 homes have had the deeds transferred, sold prices ranged from $169,900 to $300,000.

If you compare this year statistics to the same time period in 2008 you will find that 7 homes sold that year from $229,900 to a high of $305,000.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Haines Acres Home Sales Statistics

Below are the current Homes for sale in york pa that have either been sold, pending or are currently active in the Haines Acres Neighborhod. The date range begins May 1st thru November 19, 2009. The statistics have gome from the Realtors Assocaiation of York and Adams Counties.




$389,900 $55,000 $200,873 $176,250 $7,030,562

$285,000 $147,500 $202,845 $188,450 $4,056,900 35

336 1 82 40

Appraiser Spreadsheet

MLS # StatusType Schl Dist Address City BRFBHBTtl Fin SF Tot Acre L/P S/P ClsPdBySlrDOM

20906351 PND DET York Suburban 730 Edgewood Rd York 2 0 0 735 0.260000 $55,000 156

20907560 SOLD DET York Suburban 1021 Sundale Dr York 3 1 1 1449 0.231400 $157,900 $147,500 35

20908696 SOLD DET York Suburban 2465 Cambridge Road York 3 1 0 1962 0.206600 $149,900 $148,000 3000.00 61

20904832 SOLD DET York Suburban 212 Greystone Road York 3 1 0 1260 0.143500 $152,400 $149,500 0.00 55

20902035 SOLD DET York Suburban 901 HAINES ROAD YORK 4 2 0 2174 0.354100 $159,900 $154,900 3199.91 145

20814023 SOLD DET York Suburban 2479 Auburn Road York 3 1 0 1513 0.330600 $159,000 $157,000 5000.00 201

20905227 SOLD DET York Suburban 2478 Crystal Lane York 3 1 1 1391 0.198300 $163,000 $158,000 108

20909307 SOLD DET York Suburban 2570 Raleigh Drive York 3 1 1 1992 0.212000 $157,900 $160,000 6100.00 23

20910223 PND DET York Suburban 501 Erlen Drive York 3 2 0 1952 0.234200 $162,500 37

20911516 PND DET York Suburban 2545 AUBURN ROAD YORK 3 1 0 1618 0.220000 $162,900 4

20903782 SOLD DET York Suburban 2456 Bradford Drive York 3 2 0 1716 0.206600 $165,000 $165,000 7500.00 5

20812788 PND DET York Suburban 2512 Brighton Drive York 4 2 0 2548 0.248000 $165,512 297

20911688 ACT DET York Suburban 2661 Cambridge Rd York 4 2 0 1302 0.213500 $169,900 30

20910627 PND DET York Suburban 970 Sundale Drive York 3 1 1 1391 0.247900 $169,900 15

20912395 ACT DET York Suburban 2800 Eastwood Drive York 4 2 0 1911 0.247700 $174,900 10

20911884 ACT DET York Suburban 2456 Wharton Road York 3 1 1 1580 0.214600 $174,900 24

20910982 PND DET York Suburban 2457 Eastwood Dr York 3 1 1 1963 0.217200 $174,900 32

20911698 ACT DET York Suburban 550 Sundale Drive York 3 2 0 1674 0.239700 $176,250 30

20911404 PND DET York Suburban 480 Ardmore Lane York 4 2 1 2332 0.300000 $179,900 8

20906140 ACT DET York Suburban 2464 Schoolhouse Lane York 3 1 1 1957 0.212100 $179,900 177

20906101 SOLD DET York Suburban 770 Erlen Drive York 3 1 1 2323 0.234200 $187,900 $184,000 336

20906433 SOLD DET York Suburban 3230 Dorsett Lane York 3 2 0 1644 0.300000 $184,900 $184,900 23

20909421 SOLD DET York Suburban 491 Maywood Road York 4 1 1 1726 0.288500 $214,900 $192,000 14

20911514 ACT DET York Suburban 2541 Raleigh Dr York 3 2 0 1444 0.200000 $199,500 40

20907546 SOLD DET York Suburban 445 Ivory Road York 3 2 1 1659 0.260000 $214,900 $214,900 21

20903393 SOLD DET York Suburban 2965 FORREST LANE YORK 4 2 1 2647 0.270000 $249,900 $235,000 0.00 57

20903952 SOLD DET York Suburban 2870 Forrest Lane York 3 2 0 2677 0.276100 $249,900 $249,000 1

20814040 SOLD DET York Suburban 2 Hunting Park Court York 3 2 1 2609 0.650500 $249,900 $249,900 7497.00 177

20902130 SOLD DET York Suburban 510 Ardmore Lane York 4 2 1 2674 0.266400 $277,900 $250,000 173

20908262 SOLD DET York Suburban 730 Plymouth Rd. York 4 2 1 2721 0.266900 $259,900 $252,500 51

20909067 SOLD DET York Suburban 520 Ardmore Lane York 4 3 1 2780 0.267000 $259,900 $259,900 5000.00 15

20903877 SOLD DET York Suburban 830 PINEHURST ROAD YORK 5 2 2 3368 0.378700 $259,900 $259,900 10000.00 114

20900679 SOLD DET York Suburban 990 Melrose Lane York 3 2 0 2254 0.315000 $299,900 $285,000 116

20905950 ACT DET York Suburban 3220 Forrest Lane York 5 2 1 2875 0.264500 $319,900 175

20908669 ACT DET York Suburban 3280 Forrest Lane York 4 3 1 4313 0.676000 $389,900 108


This information is deemed reliable, but not guaranteed

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Help Others Have a Merry Christmas!!

44 days and counting! Are you ready for all the holiday shopping? Please don't forget the Toys for Tots Program this year when you are looking over you list. At Professional Realty Associates located at 3921 East Market Street, the Pilgrim Team has a drop off box to collect any new toys you would like to donate to less fortunate children. This is a very worthwhile project and I know it would make your heart feel warm, and it would especially warm the hearts of all the youngsters who receive these gifts on Christmas morning! You can visit the Pilgrim Team website at http://www.pilgrimteam.com/ for more information. Have a happy holiday season!

Thank a Veteran Today!

Honor those who fought for us and those who served our country!
Take the time to "Thank a vet" for their patriotic sacrifice for country.
So remember each time you see someone who has served our country. When you see one just lean over and say Thank You.
That's all most people need, and in most cases it will mean more than any medals they could have been awarded or were awarded.

Two little words that mean a lot, "THANK YOU".

As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them. ~John Fitzgerald Kennedy

Sunday, November 08, 2009

Home Sales in York CentralSchool District


20903028 3304 Stone Ridge Road $99,900 $101,000 101% 174
20908359 962 WILLOW RIDGE DRIVE $248,000 $250,000 101% 40
20908610 727 N GEORGE STREET $109,900 $99,900 91% 26
20908987 235 Edgewood Rd $149,900 $155,000 103% 7
20910148 2925 Meadowbrook Blvd $140,000 $140,000 100% 7
20910785 2520 Mt. Zion Road $89,900 $89,900 100% 14
Totals $837,600 $835,800 100% 45

20907476 1207 N DUKE ST. $119,000 $99,500 84% 78
20909722 26 E EIGHTH AVENUE $75,900 $74,900 99% 30
Totals $194,900 $174,400 89% 54

20814291 68 Lexton Drive $110,000 $99,000 90% 244
20906825 3628 Pleasant Valley Road $159,900 $148,000 93% 73
20907359 1683 Long Drive $79,900 $77,900 97% 350
20907379 336 BRUAW DR $149,900 $119,900 80% 50
Totals $499,700 $444,800 89% 179

York PA Shortsales and Foreclosures

Hi Everyone,
It's that time of year again, and even I'm planning some travel and setting my affairs in order for the next few months. I hope you and your family are happy and healthy headed into the end of the year, and I look forward to catching up soon.
But I'm finding this time of year is also proving difficult for a lot of people in our community who are upside-down on their mortgages in York PA and surrunding area's and don’t know what to do. I'm seeing it often lately, and in these cases I'm also finding a lack of good information.
This is why I became a Certified Distressed Property Expert. I want to make sure the people of our community have the right facts to make the right decision for their individual situations. And to help, I made this website dedicated to the issues affecting distressed homeowners, and the solutions available to them:


Download my free report on the myths concerning short sales. Because in reality, a short sale could be the best solution for a homeowner in trouble. Use this report to gain insight on your situation, or to help someone you know. Don't let your path to a stable financial future get derailed by a myth.

Feel free to contact me to learn more about this or just to talk ... either way it would be great to hear from you.

Sincerely yours,

Jerry Pilgrim
Professional Realty Associates
The Pilgrim Team

Friday, November 06, 2009

Home Buyer Tax Credit Extended with Changes

This is what I just received from NAR.
Charles McMillan, 2009 NAR President

As of today – Thursday, November

– that bill has passed and will be sent to President Obama for his signature.

We have posted a side-by-side comparison of the changes on Realtor.org. Let me summarize the changes quickly now:

When the President signs the bill, the expiration date for the credit will move to April 30, 2010.

First-time buyers who have not had interest in a principle residence for three years are still eligible, and the maximum amount remains the same – $8,000 for married couples, $4,000 for those filing separately.
Current homeowners, who have consecutively maintained the home they want to sell as their primary residence for five of the last eight years, are also eligible. However, the maximum amount for those homeowners is lower: $6,500 for married couples and $3,200 for those filing separately.
The tax credit may not used to purchase a home for more than $800,000. All buyers who want to get the credit must include documentation of the purchase on their tax returns.

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Toys for Tots Drive

The Pilgrim Team is is proud to sponser Toys for Tots as a drop off location again this year! We will be accepting donations for needy children at our office below.  We are starting our toy drive early this year, because more than ever there is a need to help out the families of less fortunate children have a great christmas. In addition The Pilgrim Team is Happy to donate their moving truck to help distribute the toys.
Toys For Tots Drop off Location
Professional Realty Associates
3921 E. Market Street York, PA 17402 757-5955
is supporting the U.S. Marine Corps Reserves Toys For Tots Program again this year!
Help us support them by bringing new unwrapped toys.
Monday thru Friday 9am - 5pm thru Dec at the above location.
Make a child Smile This Holiday Season!