Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Pets Available at the SPCA of York County

by Kathy Ward
Because of the downturn in the economy many families are losing their jobs & many times their Homes for sale in york pa due to not being able to afford their mortgage payment any longer. Not only does it affect the family but it also affects the pets in the family. Many times when people are losing their Homes for sale in york pa they have to move into an apartment & pets are not always welcomed or the security deposit & extra charge for pets is too much of a financial burden. It's such a sad situation for everyone.
I'm a HUGE pet lover! My husband & I have "fur kids". We have two Yorkies, Lucy & Lexi & two cats, Madison & Max. We also feed & give shelter (in our garage!) to stray cats that we have named, got a few of them spayed & neutered, so they're part of the family, too!
If you are thinking of adopting a pet, please visit the SPCA of York County located at 3159 Susquehanna Trail North York, PA 17406. Their number is 717-764-6109. They currently have 90 dogs & 430 cats for adoption. Please check out their website at to view their adoptable pets & check out lots of other information.
I work with "The Pilgrim Team" at Professional Realty Associates as a buyer's specialist. Our office is located at 3921 E. Market St. York, PA 17402. You can contact our office at 717-757-5955 if you are considering selling and/or buying a home.

Trout Season

Trout season is in full swing across York County. The season officially opened at 8AM on April 4th. York County is blessed with some very good trout streams and approved wild trout waters.
Yellow Breeches creek is a popular destination towards the nothern area of York.
Codorus Creek, Muddy Creek, Fishing Creek, Otter Creek and Bald Eagle creek are some others but by no means all of the creeks here in south central PA.
Trout must be 7 inches minimum in length to keep and the daily bag limit is 5. A Pennsylvania fishing license along with a trout stamp are required.
Some of the species you can expect to catch are rainbow trout and brown trout. You could catch a brook trout but that is a little more rare to do.
Some of the more popular baits are worms, Powerbait, spinners, and minnows.
There are also some sections of creeks that are fly fishing only but make sure to consult your rule book to see where these locations are.
The PA Fish & Boat Commission stocks most creeks and some lakes with hatchery raised trout a few times per year. Check out their website to see when your favorite creek gets stocked.