It's not the same old real estate market anymore. These days, it's faster, more complex and more competitive in every way.
Homebuyers shop the Internet. Offers arrive by cellular phone. On-line mortgage companies make it possible to obtain pre-approved financing right in the privacy of your own living room.
In today’s rapidly changing market, Jerry and "The Pilgrim Team" stay on the cutting edge of internet marketing and current market trends to do the best job for their clients. In this fast paced world, it seems that receiving "Good Old Fashioned Quality Service" is becoming a thing of the past. However, here at The Pilgrim Team we believe our clients deserve the best service they can provide.
"CERTIFIED DISTRESSED PROPERTY EXPERT" The real estate market today has caused a great deal of hardship for every 6 out of 100 home owners. Pre-foreclosures and foreclosures have become commonplace in our neighborhoods. As a Certified Distressed Property Expert®, I can help. There are options available when it comes to foreclosure, very few people know exactly what to do or where to go! Whether it be refinance options, loan modification, or short sale Jerry can help you and your family.
What is a Certified Residential Specialist?
A Certifieid Residential Specialist is a REALTOR who has earned certification from the Council of Residential Specialists by completing a rigorous course of advanced training, and by meeting significant experience requirements.
The Pilgrim Team also specialises in relocation to York County. If you are interested in receiving our relocation book, which is full of valuable information about York County, please give us a call at (717) 757-5955 or visit http://www.PilgrimTeam.com/

Homebuyers shop the Internet. Offers arrive by cellular phone. On-line mortgage companies make it possible to obtain pre-approved financing right in the privacy of your own living room.
In today’s rapidly changing market, Jerry and "The Pilgrim Team" stay on the cutting edge of internet marketing and current market trends to do the best job for their clients. In this fast paced world, it seems that receiving "Good Old Fashioned Quality Service" is becoming a thing of the past. However, here at The Pilgrim Team we believe our clients deserve the best service they can provide.
"CERTIFIED DISTRESSED PROPERTY EXPERT" The real estate market today has caused a great deal of hardship for every 6 out of 100 home owners. Pre-foreclosures and foreclosures have become commonplace in our neighborhoods. As a Certified Distressed Property Expert®, I can help. There are options available when it comes to foreclosure, very few people know exactly what to do or where to go! Whether it be refinance options, loan modification, or short sale Jerry can help you and your family.
What is a Certified Residential Specialist?
A Certifieid Residential Specialist is a REALTOR who has earned certification from the Council of Residential Specialists by completing a rigorous course of advanced training, and by meeting significant experience requirements.
The Pilgrim Team also specialises in relocation to York County. If you are interested in receiving our relocation book, which is full of valuable information about York County, please give us a call at (717) 757-5955 or visit http://www.PilgrimTeam.com/