A Happy Thanksgiving of Gratitude! Gratitude is an Attitude...
Do you wait until Thanksgiving Day or Christmas to thank those that you love and those that have helped you? It is important to spend time during these special holidays to be thankful. However, it shouldn't be the only time you demonstrate your love and appreciation to others.
Here in York County Pennsylvania you should have no problem thinking of ones to thank on a daily or weekly basis. What can be done to help others this Thanksgiving?
If you need some ideas, here are some to get you thinking:
* The economy has affected many families this holiday season, donate non perishables to a local food bank, or donate your grocery store free turkey for those less fortunate. Invite a family less fortunate into your home and share your meal with them. Better yet invite someone who is alone to enjoy the holidays with your family. Do you have extra coats? You can donate them too.
* The Pilgrim Team is proud to sponsor the U.S. Marine Corps Reserves Toys for Tots Program again this year! We will be accepting donations for needy children at our office 3921 E. Market St York, PA. We are starting our toy drive early this year, because now more than ever there is a need to help out the families of less fortunate children have a great Christmas. In addition The Pilgrim Team is Happy to donate their moving truck to help distribute the toys.
* Your appreciation may have more of an impact when it is done at an unexpected time. Giving thanks during the holidays can be somewhat expected. Surprise someone by showing your gratitude when it is least expected and it will be remembered for a long time.
* Your notes and thoughtful comments won't get diluted by those from others trying to catch up for the past year on their thanks.
* True gratitude involves action. Lend a hand, Pitch in, Volunteer, Thank a Veteran or a Solder overseas, Make a gift, Give your time, or just listen. Give back as often as you can.
Giving thanks doesn't just benefit the other person. You will receive benefits from doing it as well. You will begin to feel happier and more relaxed. In fact, it has been proven in studies that being grateful can have a positive effect on your health. It can reduce your stress and boost your immune system.
Christmas is important. Easter is important. Halloween is important for the kids. But for our own personal happiness, there is nothing like a truly heartfelt Thanksgiving. Why wouldn't you look for every opportunity to show your thankfulness to others? Don't wait for a holiday before you look for opportunities to show your gratitude. Give thanks on a regular basis throughout the year.
Make every day Thanksgiving Day in 2009!
Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it --William Arthur Ward
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