In today’s market what you need to be the most concerned about is what level of marketing you can expect from a Realtor. Secondly the Realtor must have the ability to negotiate not just with the buyers on your property to get the highest price for you, but also there is a high incidence of properties not appraising for the sales price on the contracts. When that happens I then must negotiate with the appraiser to prove to them that the value they came up with is incorrect and that they must change the appraisal. I have made and saved my home sellers thousands of dollars due to my experience and knowledge of the market. Please don’t get caught up on a difference of 1% broker fee when actually a fulltime agent such as me can save you thousands of dollars particularly in today’s market. If you want a fulltime professionals real estate agent in York, PA call me Jerry Pilgrim of the Pilgrim Team of Professional Realty Associates.
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