Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Strategic Foreclosure? Is it really an option?

What is a "strategic foreclosure"? There has been a lot of talk lately on the news networks such as ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX News, MSNBC and others about these types of forclosures. I have heard the talk that if it is ggod enough for corporate america to walk away from the financial obigations it should be good enough for the private sector to do the same.

Think of it like this, and ask yourself these questions. Does the corporation have a family to feed? Does the corporation need a place to live? Does it need to have credit in the future to buy a house or even rent an apartment? Does it need a job? If you need any or all of these things STAY AWAY from the idea of a strategic foreclosure. They entice you to milk the system for all it can give you at the time, but remember payback can come back to hit you in a big way.

The only good foreclosue is NO foreclosure. You need an expert with the experience like a CDPE (Certified Distressed Property Expert) who can work closely with the Banks to negotiate a settlement that will not adversely affect you for a very long time such as a foreclosure can. Please go to my web site and seach for my CDPE site for additional information that can help you or someone you may know who is struggling with the possibility of foreclosure.

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